"Today's the day!" you say, excitedly, looking into your closet. You already picked out your best outfit days ago in eager anticipation of this evening. You'll be joining your friends for a lovely evening of parlour games.

You hear a soft knock on the door.

"Come in," you say impatiently, mildly annoyed at the interruption.

"Hi Sweetie." It's Granny. "I heard you were going to a party tonight and I wanted to give you this to help you make sure you're all ready." She hands you an old book.

It looks nearly 150 years old with a dusty red cover and yellow dog-eared pages. The Ladies' and Gentlemen's Etiquette Book of the Best Society. "What do I need this for?"

Granny smiled warmly. "It is important to know how to behave at a party," she tells you. Before long, Granny has gone off on a tangent from the anecdote she was telling about someone in the story from one time when her Granny told her something about a party she had been to and something about proper communication with a fan and the importance of chandelier versus lamp placement and....

You realize Granny has asked you a question and snap back to the present. "You will promise to take a look, won't you?"

"It's really not that sort of party," you tell Granny, starting to roll your eyes before you catch yourself. Granny sighs, and you feel bad for disappointing her. She had been so excited to give you this book that clearly meant a lot to her. "...but I will look through it."

She perks right back up, her face glowing. "You never know when it will come in handy!"